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The customizable select - Part one: history, trickery, and styling the select with CSS

The customizable select has entered Chrome 134, allowing us to style this form element to our hearts' content. I decided to write a series about this feature because there are so many cool things we can do with CSS these days to create some really unique and fun experiences. In this first article of the series, I want to talk a bit about the history, while also giving an in-depth guide on how you can start creating your first customizable select as a progressive enhancement, today.

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Love at first slide! Creating a carousel purely out of CSS

It’s Valentine's Day! As usual, I want to write about something I love, and this time it’s still highly experimental but something I am extremely excited about. Something new is on the horizon named CSS scroll-markers and it allows you to create a fully functional slider without the need of any JavaScript. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look, shall we? Here is my first impression of creating a carousel with only CSS and some accessibility concerns as well.

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Animating clip paths on scroll with @property in CSS

A polaroid like frame holding an image, with a rotate and scroll icon next to it

While experimenting with CSS, you sometimes discover a technique you want to do more of. This is one of those discoveries for me... I love how we can now animate clip paths on scroll with CSS. From animating an image into a star to creating Polaroid-like images on scroll. In this article, I’d like to demo some techniques we can use to create these interesting effects using clip paths, @property, and even container units to create visually pleasing scroll-driven animations.

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Going beyond pixels and (r)ems in CSS

iO tech_hub

There are a lot of CSS units available at the moment and we mostly still rely on pixels and (r)ems for our sizing and fonts. I say it’s time to do a little freshening up. In this mini-series I will be going around all the current length units in CSS with practical examples.

Read more about Going beyond pixels and (r)ems in CSS (iO tech_hub)

CSS Scroll Snapping Aligned With Global Page Layout: A Full-Width Slider Case Study

Smashing Magazine

Have you run into a situation where you need the padding of one element to align with the padding of another element? It’s a common debacle, especially when a page layout is set with global padding? In this article I demonstrate that issue with a full-width slider component that breaks out of the main page container using a couple of techniques to keep it visually aligned with other elements on the page.

Read more about CSS Scroll Snapping Aligned With Global Page Layout: A Full-Width Slider Case Study (Smashing Magazine)

Grid ideas: Creating a CSS subgrid utility class for rows

A CSS grid with subgrid alignment

A full evergreen browser support for CSS subgrid is just around the corner. Time to have a look on how we can create some interesting implementations in our design systems. This article will be focussing on grid-template-rows with subgrid.

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Scroll driven animations in CSS are a joy to play around with!

Scroll driven animations example of a timeline

Scroll Driven Animations are set to be released in Chrome 115, giving us the chance to animate elements based on a scroll instead of time, increasing our toolset to create some fun interactions. I’m sure many great tricks and articles will be found, as this feature opens a lot of possibilities.

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Going beyond constants with custom properties

iO tech_hub

If you love CSS, you've probably heard of custom properties (a.k.a. CSS variables) before. Still, a lot of people seem to use them as constants for their CSS. In this article, I will try to give you some more insights on how you can use these custom properties to create some smart systems or even use them as booleans in CSS and create easy progressive enhancements.

Read more about Going beyond constants with custom properties (iO tech_hub)

Chrome DevTools tricks that deserve a spotlight

Chrome Devtools logo

A lot of developers use Chrome as their main browser and I'm one of them. There are a few tricks in Chrome DevTools that don't seem to get enough attention. So for this article, I wanted to highlight some of the features that I love and actually use in DevTools, that some of you might not know about.

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Open UI and the Popover API

Open UI logo

If it pops, it belongs in HTML and CSS! Lately, I had a lot of fun playing around with this upcoming feature. The first version is being developed and it's starting to look pretty good. It's time to handle our basic popovers without the explicit need of JavaScript.

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For the love of scroll driven animations in CSS

An outlined heart

Animating elements while a user scrolls the page is a popular practice on the web. With scroll-timeline and the scroll function available in Chrome Canary, we get a nice preview on how these scrolling animations in pure CSS will work. The perfect time to create some demos and play around with it.

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Creating Animated, Clickable Cards With the :has() Relational Pseudo Class


The CSS :has() pseudo class is rolling out in many browsers with Chrome and Safari already fully supporting it. It's often referred to it as “the parent selector” — as in, we can select style a parent element from a child selector — but there is so much more that :has() can help us solve. One of those things is re-inventing the clickable card pattern many of us love to use from time to time.

Read more about Creating Animated, Clickable Cards With the :has() Relational Pseudo Class (CSS-Tricks)

Practical uses of the :has() relational pseudo class

text that contains :has()

The :has() relational pseudo class has landed in Chrome and Safari and even though it gets less hype than for instance container queries, I believe this little pseudo class contains a lot of improvements to the way we write CSS today.

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Easy Fluid Typography With clamp() Using Sass Functions

Smashing Magazine

Fluid typography is getting a lot more popular, especially since the clamp() math function is available in every evergreen browser. But if we’re honest, it’s still a lot of mathematics to achieve this. You can use tools such as, which are fantastic. But in large projects, it can get messy pretty fast. So let's make this easy with Sass.

Read more about Easy Fluid Typography With clamp() Using Sass Functions (Smashing Magazine)

Coding on a Chromebook - part 2

2 Dinos with heart in html

I purchased a Chromebook for my little coding projects. In the first part I wrote about the basic development setup. In this post, we're taking a bit of a deeper dive: installing git, node, filezilla, some browsers, Docker and updating the terminal on ChromeOS. So let's open the terminal and dive right into it.

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Coding on a Chromebook - part 1

Dino with heart

A few months ago, I purchased a Chromebook for my little side projects. I'm used to working on a Macbook, but I wanted to work with something that has a different feel, to make my little creations on the side feel more relaxing, and less like work. I have gained a lot of love for ChromeOS. This will be an article in two parts. In the first part, I want to talk about the first experiences, my basic ChromeOS setup and enabling developer mode.

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Introducing a Mini Static Thingy Wingy

Little purple head with lightning around it - static thingy wingy logo

The world is full of frameworks and content management systems, we're very spoiled when we want to create an application, but sometimes, you just need something static, simple and fast, so I created a Mini Static Thingy Wingy.

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CSS Day 2022: A small recap

CSS Day conference room

After a long break because of Covid-19, CSS Day is back. In a new location at the Zuiderkerk in Amsterdam. Once again trying to create the perfect line-up for everything design and CSS, and boy, they delivered just that.

Read moreabout CSS Day 2022: A small recap

Using best practices to create CSS scroll snapping tabs

Snapping finger with tabs

Scroll snapping is hip and while we all have styled numerous sorts of tab panes and scroll boxes, I had an idea of combining them. What started out as a simple “scroll snapping experiment” turned out to be an accessibility study. How should scroll snapping tabs behave when using keys? By reading some best practices, I believe I found an elegant solution.

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