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Is the sticky thing stuck? Is the snappy item snapped? A look at state queries in CSS

Three purple squares agains a pastel background, the middle square has some comic explosion lines on it and reads snap

Oh, how I wanted to write this title for some time! I have Googled these questions before when working with sticky positioning and scroll snapping. It looks like we are finally getting an answer to these questions in the form of CSS state queries and I have been eagerly waiting to play around with this since CSS Day 2023. In this article, I want to show a few first impressions and demos I created with state queries in CSS and Scroll Snap events in JavaScript.

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An update on invokers: Invoker commands in HTML

Open UI logo with text invokers below it

One thing I’ve learned over the last year is to deal with changes in explainers and specs and that naming things is hard. In this update on Invokers, I will cover the new syntax and the new name: Invoker Commands. Once again giving you some control over interaction with HTML from opening dialog elements to creating custom counter buttons and video controls.

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Invoking elements by using only HTML: A first look at invokers

Open UI logo with text invokers below it

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could click on a button to open a modal with just HTML? How about those file input elements? Imagine that creating a custom play button for video controls would be an easy thing to do. How about custom counter buttons for a number input? This is where the idea of invokers comes in. It’s currently available behind a flag to play around with and it’s definitely one of the most exciting advances in HTML to look out for.

Read moreabout Invoking elements by using only HTML: A first look at invokers

A Valentine's Day special: A web component to show hearts on your website

Multicolored hearts randomly placed on a black background, yellow, red, blue and green

While learning about web components a few months ago, I wanted to create my first (useless) little component as a package on NPM. In this article a little tutorial on how I created my first basic web component with LIT, Typescript, using an easy setup with Vite. I will be sharing how to do the setup, some of the ideas behind it, and some of the gotchas.

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Getting into web components - an intro

The year 2024 might be a big one for web components and I for one am excited about this. Truth be told - a few months ago - I barely knew anything about them as I thought they were just this niche thing floating around on the web. But a lot of buzz is being created. So I wanted to learn more about them. I can now proudly say I published my first (useless) web component on npm - a Valentines special - for-love element.

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Introducing a Mini Static Thingy Wingy

Little purple head with lightning around it - static thingy wingy logo

The world is full of frameworks and content management systems, we're very spoiled when we want to create an application, but sometimes, you just need something static, simple and fast, so I created a Mini Static Thingy Wingy.

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A lot of power with little JavaScript, the HTML dialog element is here

Dialog visual styled with html and css

With Safari (15.4) being one of the last to implement the dialog element, a lot of browsers have great support for this element.. Goodbye to huge JavaScript libraries and welcome to the native HTML5 dialog element. This is beauty and simplicity on the web in its purest form. It's accessible, customisable and most of all: easy to use.

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Using best practices to create CSS scroll snapping tabs

Snapping finger with tabs

Scroll snapping is hip and while we all have styled numerous sorts of tab panes and scroll boxes, I had an idea of combining them. What started out as a simple “scroll snapping experiment” turned out to be an accessibility study. How should scroll snapping tabs behave when using keys? By reading some best practices, I believe I found an elegant solution.

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