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The details element, collapsing content without the hassle

accordion in html and css

Some HTML5 elements seem to have the tendency of not being picked up by developers. Although widely supported, we still seem to use collapses with the use of a JS library instead of using a native element. In this little post, I want to highlight the details element a bit.

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A lot of power with little JavaScript, the HTML dialog element is here

Dialog visual styled with html and css

With Safari (15.4) being one of the last to implement the dialog element, a lot of browsers have great support for this element.. Goodbye to huge JavaScript libraries and welcome to the native HTML5 dialog element. This is beauty and simplicity on the web in its purest form. It's accessible, customisable and most of all: easy to use.

Read moreabout A lot of power with little JavaScript, the HTML dialog element is here

Using best practices to create CSS scroll snapping tabs

Snapping finger with tabs

Scroll snapping is hip and while we all have styled numerous sorts of tab panes and scroll boxes, I had an idea of combining them. What started out as a simple “scroll snapping experiment” turned out to be an accessibility study. How should scroll snapping tabs behave when using keys? By reading some best practices, I believe I found an elegant solution.

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A love letter to the CSS-developer

A heart between brackets

It's valentine's day and so the perfect time to write a love letter. This one is to all the CSS-developers out there. For those who love the cascade, pseudo elements and all the new nifty things entering the language.

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Sticky headers: a solution with UX pitfalls?

Sticky post-it with skull on it

Let's talk about sticky headers. They get used all the time and it seems that they are something we expect on a website. But is adding a sticky header the solution to our UX/UI problems, or just an easy fix?

Read moreabout Sticky headers: a solution with UX pitfalls?